Pub­lic Trans­por­ta­tion to Nie­der­we­nin­gen


(Timetable 2017/2018)

(not much changed since)

Regional Map

Regional Map



From Zurich: Train




From Zurich: train main station

From Zu­rich main sta­tion (or Sta­del­ho­fen, Hard­brüc­ke, Oer­li­kon) use the local train sys­tem «S15» di­rec­tion to "Nie­der­we­nin­gen". Exit at "Nie­der­we­nin­gen-Dorf" sta­tion.
De­par­tu­res twi­ce an hour at Zu­rich Main Sta­tion (HB) on track 41/42.


Train cadences:
Zu­rich HB di­rect trains dp. at x.22 and x.52 from 06:22 until 23:52, Nie­der­we­nin­gen-Dorf dp. at x.05 and x.35 from 05:35 until 23:35 by «S15» di­rect to Zu­rich.


From Baden: Bus Station

From Baden use the Bus #354 ➔ "Nie­der­we­nin­gen", or "Kai­ser­stuhl via Nie­der­we­nin­gen" on plat­form B at Ba­den "Pos­tauto­sta­tion". Exit at "Nie­der­we­nin­gen Rail­way Sta­tion". At rush-hours on wor­king days the­re is a bus any 30 mi­nu­tes at x:12 and x:42 other­wi­se the­re are hour­ly de­par­tu­res at x:42 on­ly.

From the­re you may ether walk or ta­ke the S15-train for just to next stop.


At Bus-Station Baden:

Linie Ziel ab C
354 Ehrendingen - Niederweningen - Kaiserstuhl AG Bahnhof 5’
354 Ehrendingen - Tiefenwaag - Niederweningen 35’

The Bus departures from platform C, big shown num­ber «354» and tar­get "Tie­fen­waag [- Nie­der­we­nin­gen [- Kai­ser­stuhl AG Bahn­hof]]".


If a bus «354» is go­ing to "Tie­fen­waag" on­ly, then you will have to wait there at least about 10 mi­nu­tes for #«355» to "Nie­der­we­nin­gen" in the midd­le of no­whe­re.

Par­tial­ly (on ear­ly or la­te hours as well as on week­ends) the­re are di­rect bu­ses #352 ➔ "En­din­gen via Nie­der­we­nin­gen", this is with­out chan­ging bus. (Watch in­di­ca­tion on front-win­dow of bus or ask dri­ver).

Tem­po­ra­ri­ly plat­forms may be chan­ged!


(Due to work in pro­gress the S15-trains un­til 20th of oc­to­ber 2019 will ser­ve the con­nec­ti­on on­ly to "Diels­dorf" (Af­ter this da­te on­ly du­ring a few nights fron 9 or 10pm on, the on­li­ne-ti­me­tab­le is up to da­te any ti­me!). From the­re to "Nie­der­we­ni­gen" is or­ga­ni­zed a bus as re­pla­ce­ment, which runs even fur­ther un­til "Tie­fen­waag". The On­li­ne-ti­me-tab­les are adap­ted, plea­se con­sult! Con­nec­ti­ons to the trains in "Diels­dorf" are usu­al­ly main­tai­ned, but not the ones to other bus­ses in "Nie­der­we­ni­gen". As a si­de-ef­fect you may use from Ba­den the bu­ses to "Eh­ren­din­gen-Tie­fen­waag" and ha­ve the­re a con­ve­nient con­nec­ti­on to this re­pla­ce­ment bus.)


HTML5 Letz­te Än­de­rung: 19th of october 2019

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